High Altitude Fitness

Where the locals train

High performance fitness, training and gym for Ketchum, Sun Valley, the Wood River Valley and beyond. Where the locals train.

H.A.F. has installed an Ultimatum Airborne Mitigation System!

This consists of self-contained Ion dispensing units which kill 99.4% of Sars-Cov2 / Covid 19, plus all pathogens, indoor contaminants and odors.

Be safe, breathe easier!


12/31/18: MONDAY

(literally, the last work out of the year)

Warm Up/ Mobility/ Fitness: 10 minutes OR 5X: 5 reps on ALL

roll up w/ leg pass: R/ L

hindu push up

20” OR 24” box step up: R/ L (complete all reps on one side/ DO NOT touch toe at top/ DO NOT bounce at bottom)

Work: 15 minutes: use first 3 minutes to get to work weight

Power Clean & Box Jump: every minute on the minute

Block #1: minute: 1, 2, & 3: power clean: 6 reps/ box jump: 2 reps

minute 4: recovery

Block #2: power clean: 4 reps/ box jump: 4 reps

Block #3: power clean: 2 reps/ box jumps: 6 reps

Work: 12 minutes: first 2 minutes to get to work weight

complete reps every minute for 10 minutes: 10 rounds

dumbbell OR kettle push press OR jerk press: 3R/ 3L

dumbbell OR kettle row: 3R/ 3L

up/ downs: 3 reps

Work: Core: 8 minutes: 4 reps on each

reps every minute on the minute

ab wheel/ mermaid: R/ L/ sit up

Work: Roll & Stretch: Freakn DO IT!!!


12/28/31: FRIDAY

Warm Up/ Fitness: 15 minutes

complete reps every minute for 15 minutes. remaining time of minute is recovery.

1st min: kettle 2 hand swing: 9 rep/ burpee jump pull up: 3 reps

2nd min: 8 reps/ 4 reps

3rd min: 7 reps/ 5 reps

Work: 15 minutes: use first 5 minutes to get to work weight

Barbell Snatch: 50 - 60% of max: 10 minutes: complete required reps every minute.

4 reps OR 2 reps of snatch to over head squat

Work: 20 minutes: choose poundage carefully

complete 4. 6, 8, 10 reps of ALL/ 10, 8, 6, 4. As many rounds as you can

chest: barbell chest press of choice

back: pull up

triceps: dumbbell skull crusher

biceps: dumbbell hammer curl

forearm: barbell wrist curl


12/27/18: THURSDAY

Warm Up/ Mobility: 7 minutes

Get Up: 1R/ 1L, 2R/ 2L, 3R/ 3L

perform continually for 7 minutes with OR without weight

Work: 12 minutes: use first 2 minutes to get to work weight:

This is all about ROM (range of motion))

complete required reps, 10 every minute for 10 minutes

Barbell, Trap bar, or Kettle suit case Dead lift: Use riser: 2 - 4”

Super light weight 30 - 40% of max

Work: 10 minutes: 5 sets minimum

kettle kick thrus: 10 reps

lunge: back foot elevated: 7R/ 7L

Work: Upper Assistance: 3 sets

shoulder/ core: kettle circle clean: 8R/ 8L

triceps chest: dips: body weight OR bench: 10 reps

back/ biceps: lat pull down (under hand grip): 12 reps

core: obliques: wind shield wipers: 14 reps


12/26/18: WEDNESDAY

Warm Up/ Fitness: 10 minutes

perform required reps every minute for 10 minutes. remaining time of minute is recovery.

1st min: kettle snatch: 5R/ 5L & push up: 15 reps

2nd min: kettle snatch: 10R/ 10L & push up: 5 reps

use a heavier bell on the 5 rep snatch than the 10 rep snatch complex

repeat the above 5X

Work: 10 minutes: 65% of max. use first 3 minutes to get to work weight.

Barbell RDL: start bar at waist take to mid shin level. DO NOT touch ground with weight!!!

.perform 5 reps every minute for 7 minutes.

Work: 10 minutes: 60% of max. use first 3 minutes to get to work weight.

Barbell Power Clean

perform 5 reps every minute for 7 minutes.

Work: Upper Assistance: 5 sets

shoulders: standing over head dumbbell press: 5R/ 5L……70%

back: dumbbell row: 10R/ 10L……60%

chest/ triceps: double kettle floor press: 15 reps……50%

shoulders: cable rear delt (double high cables): 20 reps


12/24/18: MONDAY

Warm Up/ Fitness: 10 minutes continual

1st min continual: push up/ 2 hand kettle swing: 5 reps each

2nd minute continual: kettle clean/ lunge (step back); 3R/ 3L on each

alternate the 2 minutes: repeat the above 5X

Work: 5 minutes: 30 - 40% of max. I really mean it!!! This will be super light but effective, it will act almost like an extended warm up:

Barbell Thruster (front OR behind): 10 reps

complete required reps every minute for 5 minutes: 50 total reps

Work: 10 minutes: 60% of max

Barbell Squat (front OR behind): 5 reps

complete required reps every minute for 10 minutes: 50 total reps

Work: 4 sets on ALL

chest: incline barbell OR dumbbell: 8 reps

back: kneeling straight arm lat pull down: 8 reps

chest: cable of dumbbell fly: 12 reps

back: dumbbell lat pull over: 12 reps

core: band good morning/ roll up & over (try to touch toes to floor) 10 reps each


12/21/18: FRIDAY

Warm Up/ Fitness: 10 minutes

up downs: 4 reps

2 hand kettle swing: 6 reps

kettle circle clean: 4R/ 4L

Work: Dead Lift: 23 minutes: use first 5 minutes to get to work weight.

1.5 minutes between blocks 1 & 2 as well as blocks 2 & 3

1 st 5 min: complete 5 reps every minute for 5 minutes: 50% of max: 25 total reps

2nd 5 min: complete 3 reps every minute for 5 minutes: 65% of max: 15 total reps

3rd 5 min: complete 1 rep every minute for 5 minutes 80%+++ of max: 5 total reps

Work: 10 minutes

complete required reps every minute for 10 minutes

pull up: 5 reps

push up: 10 reps

jump squat (hands behind head): 10 reps OR box jump: 7 reps

Work: Assistance: 3 sets/ 12 reps on ALL

ham/ glut/ low back: single leg feet elevated hip bridge: R/ L

triceps: dips

biceps: dumbbell hammer curl

forearms: dumbbell reverse wrist curl & cable wrist curl


12/20/18: THURSDAY

Warm Up: 10 minutes continual OR 5X

trx lateral lunge: 5R/ 5L

trx sumo squat to rear delt: 5 reps

kneeling hip rotations: internal/ external/ lateral: 5 reps on ALL: L/ R

club bell halo & rotation: 5 reps on ALL: L/ R

Work: 15 minutes: first 3 minutes to get to work weight

Barbell Snatch: super light (40 - 50% of max)

1st min: 4 reps

2nd min: 5 reps

3rd min: 6 reps

4th min: recovery: use this time to adjust weight if needed

repeat the above 3X

Work: 10 minutes: first 5 minutes to get to work weight

Barbell Squat (front OR back: your preference)

complete required reps every minute for 5 minutes. remaining time of minute is recovery.

option #1: 10 reps (light weight: 40% of max)

option #2: 5 reps (medium weight: 55% of max)

Work: Upper Assistance: 3 sets on ALL

back: seated cable row (wide grip): 8 reps

shoulder: cable rear delt: 12R/ 12L

ab: kness to elbows: 16 reps

ab: roll up w/ weight: 10R/ 10L


12/19/18: WEDNESDAY

Warm Up: 20 minutes

complete required reps every minute. remaining time of minute is recovery

1st min: wall ball: 20 reps

2nd min: kettle snatch: 10R/ 10L

3rd min: slam ball: 25 reps

4th min: push up: 30 push ups

5th min: recovery

repeat 4X

Work: 10 minutes: (2 minutes to get to work weight)

Barbell Power Clean: 7 reps: complete reps every minute for 8 minutes. remaining time of minute is recovery

Work: Lower Assistance: 3 sets/ 10 reps

ham: glut ham raise

quad: single leg press: L/ R

Work: Upper Assistance: 3 sets on ALL

chest: flat OR incline dumbbell press: 8 reps

chest: fly: 12 reps

shoulder: dumbbell shoulder press: 15R/ 15L

triceps: dumbbell kick backs: 20 reps


2/18/18: TUESDAY

Warm Up: 10 minutes continual

kettle bells will be a ladder from 1 -5 reps/ 5 - 1 reps

double kettle hard clean to kettle plank push up

jumping jacks: 10 reps

perform 1 kettle bell rep/ 10 jacks, 2 kettle reps/ 10 jacks. Follow this format for 10 continual minutes. Start slow ease into your pace

Work: Kettle Thruster (squat/ press): 12 minutes

first 2 minutes to figure out work weights. 10 rep weight (light) & 3 rep weight (heavy)

10 rounds: complete required reps every minute.

alternate between light & heavy rounds: 5 rounds of each: 50 reps light weight/ 15 reps heavy weight total!!!

Work: Upper Assistance: 4 sets on each. Super each pairing.

back: double dumbbell row: 6 reps/ lat pull down: 12 reps

shoulders: cable lateral raise (side): 6 reps/ plate front delt raise: 12 reps

arms: biceps: cable wide grip curl: 6 reps/ triceps: cable (use rope) french press: 12 reps

Core: 3 sets of each

wind shield wipers: 20 reps (hanging OR floor)

ab crunch machine: 30 reps: strict & light weight

bird dogs (pointer): 10R/ 10L


12/17/18: MONDAY

Warm Up: 10 minutes

lunge (back foot elevated): 5R/ 5L

good morning (use band): 10 reps

get up: 1R/ 1L

Work: 20 minutes: Full Body Compound

use first 5 minutes to get to work weight.

complete required reps every 3 minutes. remaining time is recovery

Dead lift: same poundage as the 10 sets of 10 reps workout (Friday 12/07/18 workout!!!)

5 rounds: 20 reps: 3 minutes per = 100 total reps

Work: 10 minutes: Chest

first 5 minutes to get to work weight.

complete required reps every minute for 5 minutes. remaining time of minute is recovery.

Flat bench press: Barbell OR Dumbbell (poundage will need to be lighter than you think!!!)

5 rounds: 12 reps: 1 minute per = 60 total reps

Work: 15 minutes: 5 sets: Upper Assistance

incline dumbbell press: 6 reps

dumbbell rear delt raise: 12 reps

ab wheel: 18 reps


12/14/18: FRIDAY

Warm Up/ Fitness: 15 minutes

2 minutes continual work/ 1 minute recovery: 5X

up downs: 4 reps

2 hand kettle swing: 6 rep

slam ball: 8 reps

Work: 15 minutes: 3 options: depending on how you feel

first 5 minutes to get to work weight: 10: 1 minute rounds

option #1: barbell power clean: 5 reps every minute

Option #2: barbell snatch: 5 reps every minute

Option #3: barbell snatch: 1 rep to over head squat: 2 reps

Work: 15 minutes

first 5 minutes to get to work weight

10 minutes of PAIN

Ladder: starting at 2 reps on ALL exercises. increase by 2 reps each round to 10 reps. 10 back down by 2’s if time permits

kettle OR barbell thruster/ pull up/ knees to elbows

Work: ARMS!!!: 4 sets/ 8 & 15 reps on each pairing

triceps: dips/ skull crusher

biceps: barbell curl/ dumbbell concentration curl: L R

forearms: reverse cable curl/ dumbbell wrist curl


12/13/18: THURSDAY

Warm Up/ Fitness: 20 minutes

minutes 1, 2, & 3 will ALL be continual work. Minute 4 will be recovery

1st min: double kettle hard clean: 1 rep/ to double kettle front squat: 3 reps

2nd min: super plank: 5 reps/ to walk out w/ push up: 5 reps

3rd min: 2 hand kettle swing: 5 reps/ 2 hand kettle hi pull: 5 reps

4th min: recovery

repeat the above: 5X

Work: Upper: Chest: 5 sets on each

dumbbell flat OR incline press: 8 reps

cable OR dumbbell fly: 15 reps

Work: Upper Assistance: 3 sets on ALL

back: body weight row (feet elevated): 8 reps

shoulders: barbell push press (use legs/ front of behind): 12 reps

core/ shoulders/ triceps: kettle kick thrus: 16 reps

triceps: push downs (use resistance band: 20 reps


12/12/18: WEDNESDAY

Warm Up/ Fitness: 10 minutes

complete required reps every minute for 10 minutes. remaining time of minute is recovery.

1st min: mountain climbers: 50 reps

2nd min: get up: 2R/ 2L

Work: 15 minutes: Use first 5 minutes to get to “work” weight.

complete required reps every minute for 10 minutes. remaining time of minute is recovery

Dead lift: 5 reps/ 10 sets: 65% of 1 rep max. Example: 400 lb. max = 260 lb. work weight.

Work: Lower Assistance: 4 sets/ 6 reps on each

ham: glut/ ham raise OR hip extension

quad: lunge (back foot elevated): L/ R

Work: Upper Assistance: 3 sets on ALL

back: cable lat pull down: 8 reps

back: dumbbell shrug: 12 reps

shoulder: standing over head press (use resistance band/ progressive): 15 reps

biceps: dumbbell curl: seated OR standing: 20 reps

core: mermaid: 20L/ 20R


12/11/18: TUESDAY

Warm Up/ Fitness: 10 minutes

alternate rounds: 1 minute to complete required reps, remaining time of minute is recovery.

minute #1: up downs & double kettle hi pull: 8 reps of EACH (16 total reps for the math majors among us)

minute #2: kettle snatch: 10R/ 10L

Work: Upper: Chest: 4 sets on ALL

Barbell press: incline OR flat: 5 reps

Dumbbell press: incline OR flat: 15 reps

Work: Upper: Assistance: 3 sets on ALL

shoulder: cable lateral (side) raise: L/R: 20 reps

triceps: dumbbell french press: 20 reps

Work: Fitness: 10 minutes

complete reps every minute for 10 minutes. remaining time of minute is recovery

pull up: 4 reps

push up: 8 reps

body weight squat: 12 reps OR box jump: 6 reps


12/08/18: MONDAY

Day 1: YEAR #8

Warm Up/ Fitness: 15 minutes

work: 2 minutes continual/ recovery: 1 minute: repeat 5X

double kettle clean: 5 reps

push up: 7 reps

2 hand kettle swing (face level): 9 reps

Work: 15 minutes: Barbell Thruster: (front OR behind)

use first 5 minutes to get to work weight. complete required rep every minute for 10 minutes. remaining time of minute is recovery.

Option #1: same weight as last week: 7 reps

Option #2: increase weight 10 - 15% from last week: 3 reps

Work: Lower Assistance: 3 sets/ 12 reps on both

ham: single leg RDL: add weight: R/L

Quad: single leg press: (your choice of machine): R/L

Work: Upper Assistance: 4 sets on ALL

back: barbell bent row: 5 reps (heavy weight)

shoulder: front delt cable raise: 10 reps (medium weight): R/L

shoulder: incline rear delt raise: 15 reps (light weight)

ab: sit up (hands touch floor over head & and at feet): 20 reps


12/07/18: FRIDAY

Warm Up: 10 minutes

complete the required every 2 minutes: 5X

remaining time of 2 minutes is recovery

treadmill sprints: TURN OFF: incline 6.0: 20 seconds: 50 - 60% of max speed.

jump lunges: 20 reps

double kettle push press: 10 reps

Work: 10 minutes

Dead Lift: 50% of poundage used on Monday

use first 5 minutes to get to work weight

complete 10 reps every minute for 5 minutes. remaining time of minute is recovery

Work: 10 minutes

Barbell Power OR Hang Snatch: 60% of 1 rep max

use first 5 minutes to get to work weight

complete 3 reps every minute for 5 minutes. remaining time of minute is recovery.

Work: Back/ Biceps: 3 sets on ALL

super set the #1’s & #2’s

#1: back: wide grip cable row: 6 reps

#1: biceps: close grip barbell curl: 12 reps

#2: back: kneeling straight lat pull down: 12 reps

#2: biceps: dumbbell hammer curl (make it strict): 18 reps


12/06/18: THURSDAY

Warm Up: 10 minutes: 5 rounds


step up (20” OR 24”) box: 5L/ 5R

lateral lunge: 5R/ 5L

sit up: 15 reps

kneeling hip rotations (internal/ external): 5R/ 5L

Work: 3 sets/ 20 reps on both

Ham: physio ball ham curl

Quad: leg extension

Work: Chest/ Triceps: 4 sets on ALL

Super set #1’s & #2’s

#1: Chest: incline dumbbell press: 10 reps

#1 Triceps: dumbbell OR cable kick backs: 15 reps

#2 Chest: cable OR dumbbell fly: 15 reps

#2 Triceps: cable push downs: 20 reps

Work: Core: 3 sets on BOTH

mermaids: 12R/ 12L

knees to elbows: 25 reps


12/05/18: WEDNESDAY

Warm Up: 10 minutes

alternate rounds: every minute complete required reps

2 hand kettle over head swing: 20 reps

Get up: 2R/ 2L (add weight as rounds progress)

Work: 15 minutes First 5 minutes to get to work weight: 50 - 60% of 1 rep max.

complete 5 reps every minute for 10 minutes

Barbell Thruster (squat press: behind OR front of neck)

Work: 15 minutes: First 5 minutes to get to work: 75% of max

complete 2 reps every minute for 10 minutes

Barbell Power Clean

Work: Assistance: 3 sets on ALL

dumbbell seated curl: 8 reps

barbell close grip curl: 15 reps

cable rear delt: L/ R: 10 reps


12/04/18: TUESDAY

Warm Up: 5 minutes: 10 reps on ALL

band good mornings

roll up: L/ R

kettle circle clean: L/ R

Warm Up/ Fitness: 10 minutes

complete required reps every minute for 10 minutes. remaining time of minute is recovery.

kettle OR dumbbell snatch: 5R/ 5L

up/ downs: 5 reps

Work: Lower Assistance: 3 sets/ 10 reps on both

Ham: glut/ ham raise

Quad: lunge: back foot elevated: L/ R

Work: Back: 4 sets on ALL

row: 4 reps/ lat pull down: 8 reps/ dumbbell lat pull over: 12 reps

Work: Core: 3 sets on both

ab wheel: 25 reps

physio ball ab crunch: 35 reps

Copyright 2015 High Altitude Fitness, all rights reserved.