High Altitude Fitness

Where the locals train

High performance fitness, training and gym for Ketchum, Sun Valley, the Wood River Valley and beyond. Where the locals train.

H.A.F. has installed an Ultimatum Airborne Mitigation System!

This consists of self-contained Ion dispensing units which kill 99.4% of Sars-Cov2 / Covid 19, plus all pathogens, indoor contaminants and odors.

Be safe, breathe easier!


05/22/18: TUESDAY

Warm Up: Use the first block to get body heated

Work: 30 - 60 minutes: you decide on how long based on how you feel or 

how much time you have.

- Cardio

- the following format will be used on all cardio blocks

- cardio piece of choice

- start slow: increase speed incrementally with each new block

- each block will be 4 minutes long

- 20 seconds work/ 40 seconds recovery

- 40 seconds work/ 20 seconds recovery 

- 60 seconds work/ 60 seconds recovery

- Kettlebell:

- 2 minutes continual

- 4, 6.or 8 reps: your choice

- doubles or R/ L: your choice

- Block #1

- cardio

- kettlebell: swing, hard clean, push press

Block #2

- cardio

- kettlebell: squat, hi pull, circle clean

Block #3

- cardio

- kettlebell: snatch, swing, clean & press

Copyright 2015 High Altitude Fitness, all rights reserved.